Maybe it’s me changing as I get older, or maybe I am becoming picky with my age but I am becoming very resistant to new music I hear on the radio. Other than hearing the same songs over and over again every hour, the new songs and the new music that is out there just leave a bad taste in my mouth. Is it a sign of getting old? I don’t know.
One of the kid’s that I was teaching brought in some music he wanted to learn and I just could not get into the usual enjoyment of the music. So I asked him “why do you like this music?” & “what make it special to you” after hearing his explanations of what the song meant to him and why he soo much wanted to play this set I was finally getting it.
Sometimes you forget it is more that mastering the music, and just flowing with emotions … to express yourself and release the emotional energy which is channeling your musical expression and drive.